Results for 'Carola I. Weidner'

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  1.  20
    Do age‐associated DNA methylation changes increase the risk of malignant transformation?Wolfgang Wagner, Carola I. Weidner & Qiong Lin - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (1):20-24.
    Aging of the organism is associated with highly reproducible DNA methylation (DNAm) changes, which facilitate estimation of donor age. Cancer is also associated with DNAm changes, which may contribute to disease development. Here, we speculate that age‐associated DNAm changes may increase the risk of tumor initiation. Notably, when using epigenetic signatures for age‐estimations tumor cells are often predicted to be much older than the chronological age of the patient. We demonstrate that aberrant hypermethylation within the gene DNA methyltransferase 3A (DNMT3A) (...)
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    You Scratch My Back and I Scratch Yours: Investigating Inter-Partner Legitimacy in Relationships Between Social Enterprises and Their Key Partners.Markus Göbel, Christiana Weber & Kathrin Weidner - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (3):493-532.
    Social enterprises, like almost all organizations, continuously strive for external legitimacy. To be perceived as externally legitimated by society, social enterprises often engage in strategic partnerships. However, scholars have only recently turned their attention to the legitimating function of such partnerships. The purpose of this article is to address the hitherto neglected construct of inter-partner legitimacy. Drawing on institutional theory, we hypothesize that such inter-partner legitimacy affects the resource transfer among partners, which will, in turn, be recognized by society and (...)
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    Storied Ethics: conversations in nursing care.Carola Skott - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (4):368-376.
    The purpose of this article is to discuss narration of ethical themes in nursing care. The text represents part of the findings of an ethnographic study aimed at description of everyday work on an oncology ward. Nurses on this ward are constantly involved in ethical care issues and narratives are told to share experiences. Of vital importance in ethical decision making is the perpetual creation of a mediating moral world constituted by daily experience. The need for making space in nursing (...)
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    Kommentar I zum Fall: „Umgang mit medizinischer Indikation und mutmaßlichem Willen bei einem jungen Menschen im Wachkoma“.Carola Seifart - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (1):75-78.
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  5. Introduzione. I pregiudizi hanno le gambe corte.Carola Barbero & Venanzio Raspa - 2005 - Rivista di Estetica 45 (3):3-26.
    According to Alexius Meinong, in order to give a philosophical explanation of the world we need to consider both existent and nonexistent objects, lest we fall into the "prejudice in favour of the real". The paper starts by examining some basic concepts of object theory seen as an existence-free science (modes of being, principle of independence of so-being from being, "Aussersein" and Meinong's paradox). There follows an exposition of Bertrand Russell's position, characterized by a "robust sense of reality", and afterwards (...)
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    I. some problems of prescriptivism in Navaho ethics.Carola Sandbacka - 1984 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 27 (1-4):255-268.
    This essay deals with some philosophical problems concerning the understanding of ethical conceptions in an alien culture. Its aim is to show that in investigating such conceptions we cannot proceed on purely empirical grounds; our own ethical concepts will, in a conceptual sense, determine what it is conceivable that we find.
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    Quel brivido nella schiena: i linguaggi della letteratura.Carola Barbero - 2023 - Bologna: Il mulino.
  8.  25
    Who’s Afraid Of Fictional Characters?Carola Barbero - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 66:148-164.
    What happens us emotionally when we read a work of fiction? According to some philosophers our emotional engagement with fiction gives rise to a paradox and involves either irrationality or participation in a game of make believe. I argue that an Object Theory in a meinongian style, by supporting a realistic perspective on fictional emotions, is able to dissolve the paradox of fiction by providing a positive ontological account of fictional entities (and the properties characterizing them).
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    1. toward a history on equal terms: A discussion of provincializing europe.Carola Dietze - 2008 - History and Theory 47 (1):69–84.
    This essay is a critical discussion of Dipesh Chakrabarty’s book Provincializing Europe as well as a first sketch of a History on Equal Terms. After giving a short summary of Provincializing Europe, I first argue, against Chakrabarty, that there is no necessary connection between the discipline of history and the metanarratives of modernity. To the contrary: the founding idea of the discipline of history was a turn against such grand narratives. With his attempt to deconstruct the narratives of the European (...)
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  10.  21
    Introduzione.Carola Barbero & Giuliano Torrengo - 2010 - Rivista di Estetica 44 (25):3-5.
    “Naturalismo” è una parola che si dice in molti modi, almeno tanti quanti nella storia della filosofia e nel sentire comune sono i modi in cui si è parlato di “natura” e di espressioni simili. Oggi, il tema del naturalismo in filosofia e della cosiddetta naturalizzazione che una filosofia dovrebbe eventualmente attrezzare determinate nozioni e teorie è tornato prepotentemente alla ribalta della riflessione filosofica, sulla scia dei successi provenienti dalle scienze cognitive (linguistica, n...
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  11.  35
    Madame Bovary / L’infelicità coniugale / La cocotte di Yonville / ….Carola Barbero - 2009 - Rivista di Estetica 40:3-19.
    Nel 1856 Madame Bovary esce a puntate sulla «Revue de Paris» (1° ottobre - 15 dicembre), per comparire poi in versione integrale un anno dopo – in seguito all’assoluzione di Gustave Flaubert, avvenuta il 7 febbraio – presso l’editore Lévy. Il titolo dell’opera, molto semplice, è decisamente in linea con il realismo: l’autore si mette da parte, rinunciando alla propria voce e alla propria opinione, per fare parlare direttamente i personaggi e gli eventi che li riguardano. Infatti il titolo non...
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  12.  78
    Introduzione.Carola Barbero, Mario De Caro & Alberto Voltolini - 2010 - Rivista di Estetica 44:3-5.
    “Naturalismo” è una parola che si dice in molti modi, almeno tanti quanti nella storia della filosofia e nel sentire comune sono i modi in cui si è parlato di “natura” e di espressioni simili. Oggi, il tema del naturalismo in filosofia e della cosiddetta naturalizzazione che una filosofia dovrebbe eventualmente attrezzare determinate nozioni e teorie è tornato prepotentemente alla ribalta della riflessione filosofica, sulla scia dei successi provenienti dalle scienze cognitive (linguistica, n...
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  13.  18
    Piangere e ridere per finta.Carola Barbero - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 60:21-29.
    Il cosiddetto “paradosso della finzione” nasce dal tentativo di spiegare quale tipo di emozioni proviamo verso quegli oggetti che troviamo nei romanzi e nei film e che sappiamo perfettamente essere fittizi. Si tratta di un paradosso classico, tornato alla ribalta nel 1975 dopo la pubblicazione di un articolo di Colin Radford che partiva precisamente dall’interrogativo riguardante le lacrime che versiamo per ciò che non è reale (come un personaggio fittizio, appunto). Perché ci commuoviamo per il suicidio di Anna Karenina se (...)
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  14.  28
    Risposta (tranquillizzante) a una nota critica (e a un grido di allarme).Carola Barbero - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 56:163-168.
    According to Paolo D’Angelo my Philosophy of Literature actually is an Analytical Philosophy of Literature. His main worry does not concern simply the title, but the fact of my having consciously excluded some authors just because, he maintains, they are not analytic philosophers. In this note I try to explain my reasons together with a defense of philosophy of literature in its own peculiarity distinguishing it from literary criticism, literature in philosophy and philosophy as literature.
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  15. Luigi Nono: A Composer in Context.Carola Nielinger-Vakil - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    The anti-fascist cantata Il canto sospeso, the string quartet Fragmente - Stille, an Diotima and the 'Tragedy of Listening' Prometeo cemented Luigi Nono's place in music history. In this study, Carola Nielinger-Vakil examines these major works in the context of Nono's amalgamation of avant-garde composition with Communist political engagement. Part I discusses Il canto sospeso in the context of all of Nono's anti-fascist pieces, from the unfinished Fučik project to Ricorda cosa ti hanno fatto in Auschwitz. Nielinger-Vakil explores Nono's (...)
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  16.  26
    Arte, técnica y oficio en metal. Herrería artística en el patrimonio arquitectónico de Montevideo, 1780-1950.Sofía Aguiar, Ernesto Beretta, Miriam Hojman, Valentina Marchese, Gianella Mussio, Leticia Olivera, Tatiana Rimbaud, Carola Romay & Verónica Ulfe - 2021 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 27:154-192.
    Este artículo sintetiza algunos aspectos del proyecto “Hierro y bronce. Criterios para la valoración y conservación de la herrería artística en el patrimonio arquitectónico del Uruguay”[i], cuyo objetivo es establecer los atributos patrimoniales de los elementos ornamentales metálicos asociados a fachadas del patrimonio arquitectónico nacional y contribuir a su difusión, puesta en valor y conservación. A lo largo de la investigación se abordan los aspectos socioculturales, artísticos, formales, técnicos y, por último, los relativos al deterioro de estos elementos y las (...)
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  17.  48
    Desarrollo sintáctico: Una medición a partir de la diversidad clausular.Nina María Crespo Allende, Carola Alvarado Barra & Alejandra Meneses Arévalo - 2013 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 23 (1):80-101.
    Durante la edad escolar, los sujetos van logrando una madurez sintáctica, evidenciada en el incremento de lacomplejidad estructural de los textos que producen. Diversas teorías han dado cuenta de dicha complejidad(Hunt, 1970; Katzenberger, 2004; Nir & Berman, 2010), sosteniendo que la misma está vinculada con eltipo de relaciones interclausulares dentro del texto. Asimismo, corroboran que dicha complejidad no sólo seincrementa con el nivel educativo, sino también está guiada por la modalidad discursiva. A partir de estapropuesta, el proyecto FONDECYT 1100600, se (...)
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  18.  9
    Handbook of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis: Edited by Marylou Lionells... [Et Al.].Marylou Lionells, John Fiscalini, Carola Mann & Donnel B. Stern (eds.) - 1995 - Routledge.
    A decade in the making, the _Handbook i_s the definitive contemporary exposition of interpersonal psychoanalysis. It provides an authoritative overview of development, psychopathology, and treatment as conceptualized from the interpersonal viewpoint.
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  19.  3
    Carola Barbero, Quel brivido nella schiena. I linguaggi della letteratura.Giulio Sacco - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 86 (86):216-218.
    L’approccio analitico alla letteratura è stato spesso «strumentale». Di frequente, è stata solo un pretesto per riflettere su questioni filosofiche che la trascendono: i filosofi del linguaggio, ad esempio, l’hanno utilizzata per indagare le differenze tra il linguaggio scientifico (dotato di valore di verità) e quello finalizzato al godimento estetico; gli esperti di ontologia si sono interrogati sulla natura delle entità finzionali. Nel suo libro, Carola Barbero mette in discussione questo...
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  20.  13
    Cultural Intersections in Later Chinese Buddhism. Edited by Marsha Weidner.George A. Keyworth - 2003 - Buddhist Studies Review 20 (2):219-224.
    Cultural Intersections in Later Chinese Buddhism. Edited by Marsha Weidner. University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu 2001. ix, 234 pp. US$44.00. ISBN 0-8248-2308-7.
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  21.  77
    2. in defense of provincializing europe: A response to Carola Dietze.Dipesh Chakrabarty - 2008 - History and Theory 47 (1):85–96.
    This response to Carola Dietze’s critique of Provincializing Europe takes up for examination three key expressions or ideas on which the original argument of the book was founded: hyperreal Europe, historicism, and political modernity. I appreciate the spirit of Dietze’s engagement with the book, but I show that her critique is based on a degree of misapprehension of these three central ideas. While clarifying the details and the degree of my disagreement with Dietze, I provide my own critique of (...)
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  22.  35
    Divine Hiddenness.Veronika Weidner - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element provides an introduction to the hiddenness argument, as presented by John Schellenberg, and its up-to-date discussion in a comprehensible way. It concludes with a brief assessment of where things stand, from the author's point of view, and why divine hiddenness should not reduce a reflective theist's confidence in theism.
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  23.  15
    “Expression to Our Christmas Feeling”: Schleiermacher’s Translation of Religion into the Bourgeois Family.Daniel Weidner - 2023 - In Vestrucci Andrea, Beyond Babel: Religion and Linguistic Pluralism. Springer Verlag. pp. 179-189.
    The paper analyzes Christmas Eve, a short dialogue by the protestant romantic Friedrich Schleiermacher published in 1806, as an attempt to translate the traditional language of Christmas into the idiom of the modern, gendered family life. The central message of Christmas is rearticulated in the realm of private family life, the division of gender, the naïve happiness of the children etc. At the same time, the form of the dialogue among the family members and some close friends is used to (...)
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  24.  5
    Profanes Leben: Walter Benjamins Dialektik der Säkularisierung.Daniel Weidner (ed.) - 2010 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
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    Till Death Do Us Part.Daniel Weidner - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (3):109-118.
    The so-called Kulturkampf, the conflict between the German Reich and the Catholic Church in the 1870s and 1880s, is one of the most important ideological conflicts of the late nineteenth century and reveals a political theological dynamic characteristic of the modern (German) nation state. This paper analyzes the paradoxes of this conflict along the lines with Eric Santner’s analysis of political representations. During the Kulturkampf, Catholic citizens were publicly suspected of not being loyal Germans, and the Catholic Church is widely (...)
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    »Darum gibt es im Grunde keine andre Beredsamkeit als die göttliche«. The Sermon and the Crisis of Rhetoric around 1800 – in the Perspectives of Literary Studies and Theology.Daniel Weidner & Ruth Conrad - 2024 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 98 (3):393-417.
    This article examines the widespread diagnosis of a »crisis of rhetoric« around 1800 from the hitherto largely neglected perspective of the sermon. Four exemplary cases are used to show how rhetoric continues and transforms itself. Franz Theremin reaffirms the function of rhetoric and represents the largely unbroken continuity of rhetorical knowledge in 19th century homiletics and preaching practice. Johann G. Fichte develops the format of a philosophical sermon supposed to serve precisely as a propaedeutic of critical philosophy, which is in (...)
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  27.  63
    Insight solutions are correct more often than analytic solutions.Carola Salvi, Emanuela Bricolo, John Kounios, Edward Bowden & Mark Beeman - 2016 - Thinking and Reasoning 22 (4):443-460.
    ABSTRACTHow accurate are insights compared to analytical solutions? In four experiments, we investigated how participants' solving strategies influenced their solution accuracies across different types of problems, including one that was linguistic, one that was visual and two that were mixed visual-linguistic. In each experiment, participants' self-judged insight solutions were, on average, more accurate than their analytic ones. We hypothesised that insight solutions have superior accuracy because they emerge into consciousness in an all-or-nothing fashion when the unconscious solving process is complete, (...)
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  28.  8
    Berufung, Erweckung und lebendige Lehrart. Johann Gottlieb Fichtes Reden über Wissenschaft.Daniel Weidner - 2020 - In Claude Haas & Daniel Weidner, Über Wissenschaft Reden: Studien Zu Sprachgebrauch, Darstellung Und Adressierung in der Deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftsprosa Um 1800. De Gruyter. pp. 79-99.
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  29.  19
    Case studies on the application of high-resolution electron channelling contrast imaging – investigation of defects and defect arrangements in metallic materials.Anja Weidner & Horst Biermann - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (7):759-793.
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    Evolutionary Religion, by J. L. Schellenberg.Veronika Weidner - 2015 - Faith and Philosophy 32 (3):350-354.
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  31.  49
    Geschichte gegen den Strich bürsten'. Julius Wellhausen und die jüdische 'Gegengeschichte.Daniel Weidner - 2002 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 54 (1):32-61.
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    Gershom Scholem: politisches, esoterisches und historiographisches Schreiben.Daniel Weidner - 2003 - Brill Fink.
    'Lebendiges Judentum', schreibt Walter Benjamin 1930 an Gershom Scholem, 'habe ich in durchaus keiner anderen Gestalt kennengelernt als in dir.' Scholem, Historiker der Kabbala, früher Zionist, scharfer Kritiker der jüdischen Assimilation, Freund und Herausgeber Benjamins ist eine schillernde Gestalt und Autor faszinierender Texte. Die in den letzten Jahren veröffentlichten Jugendtagebücher und -briefe geben Einsicht in die Entwicklung des jungen Scholem und die Werkstatt seines Schreibens. Nach heftigen persönlichen Krisen und vehementen Auseinandersetzungen mit seinen Mitzionisten lernt Scholem, 'im Namen' des Judentums (...)
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  33.  10
    “Going together without coming together”: “Die Kreatur” and Why We Should Read German Jewish Journals Differently.Daniel Weidner - 2016 - Naharaim 10 (1):103-126.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Naharaim Jahrgang: 10 Heft: 1 Seiten: 103-126.
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    III. Zur kritik der rhetorischen und philosophischen schriften Cicero's.A. Weidner - 1879 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 38 (1-4):63-90.
  35.  11
    Jenseits des Westens: für ein neues kosmopolitisches Denken.Stefan Weidner - 2018 - München: Carl Hanser Verlag.
  36.  10
    Kommentar.Daniel Weidner - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 8 (2):73-78.
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    Kants Säkularisierung der Philosophie, die politische Theologie der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft und die Kritik der Bibel.Daniel Weidner - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 59 (2):97-120.
    Kant's relation to religion and theology is complex since he tries both to delimit theology's influence and to inherit its discursive power. The essay explores the different critical strategies and rhetorical means that Kant uses to deal with theology: theological analogies and metaphors in his systematic thought, a new kind of,philosophy of religion,' a political theology of civil society, and finally a specific way of reading the Bible.
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  38.  13
    Literatur und die Entzauberung der Welt. Arbeit an der Figur.Daniel Weidner - 2019 - In Wolfgang Braungart, Joachim Jacob & Jan-Heiner Tück, Literatur / Religion: Bilanz Und Perspektiven Eines Interdisziplinären Forschungsgebietes. J.B. Metzler. pp. 275-293.
    Von Max Weber stammt die Formulierung von der „Entzauberung der Welt“, die bis heute unser Selbstverständnis prägt: die Art, wie wir uns, unser Verhältnis zu unserer Vergangenheit und auch zu anderen vorstellen. Wir leben in der Moderne, und das heißt für uns: in einer Welt, die keinen Zauber mehr kennt. ‚Welt‘ ist für uns geradezu der Inbegriff einer eindimensionalen Wirklichkeit, andere Welten können wir uns kaum noch vorstellen, jedenfalls haben wir keine Begriffe mehr von ihnen, sondern können allenfalls in Metaphern (...)
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  39.  8
    Noch einmal: Hermeneutik und Kritik.Daniel Weidner - 2007 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 81 (1):21-46.
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    Smashing Words.Daniel Weidner - 2021 - In Dominik Finkelde & Rebekka Klein, In Need of a Master: Politics, Theology, and Radical Democracy. De Gruyter. pp. 271-284.
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    The Church of England as Viewed by Newman.Halbert Weidner - 2006 - Newman Studies Journal 3 (1):78-79.
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    The History of Dogma and the Story of Modernity: The Modern Age as "Second Overcoming of Gnosticism".Daniel Weidner - 2019 - Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (1):75-90.
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    VI. Die staatsreden des Demosthenes.A. Weidner - 1877 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 37 (1-4):228-254.
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    William Wilberforce: A Biography.Hal Weidner - 2008 - Newman Studies Journal 5 (2):85-86.
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    XI. Demosthenes’ staatsreden.Α Weidner - 1877 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 36 (1-4):246-268.
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    13. Zu Aeschines.A. Weidner - 1876 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 35 (1-4):569-569.
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    30. Zu Cicero’s or. pro Roscio Amerino.A. Weidner - 1876 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 35 (1-4).
  48.  9
    Zu Cicero.A. Weidner - 1879 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 38 (1-4):125-125.
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    18. Zu Horatius.A. Weidner - 1876 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 35 (1-4).
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    Zu Lykurgos.E. Weidner - 1860 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 15 (1-3):127-127.
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